Semana próxima, y enlace a conferencia interesante

Semana próxima, y enlace a conferencia interesante

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Estimados estudiantes, en breve Carmen Bolatto se estará comunicando con ustedes por el módulo de Drosophila de la semana que viene.

Además, quería compartir con ustedes el enlace a esta conferencia que es de interés para la temática de nuestro curso, por si quieren asistir (es por zoom y gratis, pero hay que registrarse).

No duden en comentarme cualquier cosa que crean pertinente del curso.

Dear former members of the EMBL Kafatos Group,

We’re delighted to share with you the date, time and Zoom link of the 
Inaugural Kafatos Lecture which will take place in 
Heraklion next week on Friday 7 October at 17:30 CEST, and which will be simultaneously live-streamed via Zoom.

This information has been circulated widely to the EMBL alumni community, so you should have already have received it, but I wanted to share this with you personally as Fotis’ former group. Sarah Kafatou will be joining us at the event in-person, and Fotis’ daughter will be joining us online.

It would be great if you could share the link below widely with your friends, families and networks, and also encourage contacts you have in Heraklion to join in-person. It is free and open to all, and with it we aim to bring groundbreaking life sciences to the general public.

Zoom link to watch on the day:

Link to more information on the event, including registration: