Los libros del curso
están disponibles en las bibliotecas de
Ciencias, de Ingeniería,
y en las de los Instituto de Física
de ambas Facultades.
apropiado al curso:
Jackson J.D. Classical Electrodynamics
Landau L.D., Lifshitz E.M. The classical theory of field
Landau L.D., Lifchitz E.M. Electrodynamics of continuous media
Panofsky W.K.H., Phillips M. Classical electricity and magnetism
Nivel más elemental:
Ohanian, H. Classical electrodynamics
Marion, M., Heald, J. Classical Electromagnetic Radiation
Reitz J., Milford F.J., Christy R.W. Foundations of Electromagnetic Theory
Schwartz M. Principles of Electrodynamics
Feynman R. Lectures on Physics, vol.2
Griffiths D.J. Introduction to Electrodynamics
Otros libros dde consulta
Low F. Classical Field Theory
Barut O. Electrodynamics and classical theory of fields and particles
Rohlich F. Classical charged particles
Born M and Wolf E. Principles of Optics
Schwinger J., Lectures on Electrodynamics
Stratton, J. Electromagnetic Theory
Smythe, W. Static and Dynamic Electricity
Sommerfeld, A. Electrodynamics: Lectures on Theoretical Physics 3