Nivel acorde al curso:
tema 1
Ohanian, H: Classical Electrodynamics
temas 2, 3, 4
Podgorsak, E. Radiation physics for physicists
Turner,J. Atoms radiation and radiation physics
Meyerhoff, W.E. Elements of nuclear physics
Otros libros adecuados al curso:
tema 1
Griffiths, D.J. Introduction to Electrodynamics
Vanderlinde,J. Classical Electromagnetic Theory
Reitz,J. Foundations of Electromagnetics Theory
temas 2 , 3, 4
Evans, R.D. The atomic nucleus
Johns, H., Cunningham, J. The physics of radiology
McParland, B. Nuclear medicine radiation and dosimetry
Attix, F. Introduction to radiological physics and radiation dosimetry